Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Celebrating 100 days of school! Due date: February 11th, 2016!!

Dear Parents,

We will be celebrating the 100th day of school on Thursday, February 11th, 2016. I have many activities planned for the students on this special day and we need your kind cooperation to help us make it a success!

Part 1. - mandatory 

On the 100th day of school I will have students present their 100`s creations to the rest of the class. At home, your child is to choose one of the following options below (or your choice), prepare and bring before or on the 100`th day of school.

Your child is to write, arrange and display in an interesting and creative way  100 some...thing. 100 may seem to be a lot, but breaking down the task and teaching him/her how to organize his/her time, will make it easier for your child to accomplish this project. For instance, writing 5 words a day for 20  days or 10 words a day for 10 days. 

1. 100 French Words -   he/she can read and understand. ( to be written)
Note: for even a bigger challenge, your child can organize his/her words in alphabetical order.

2. 100 French books I read  

3. 100 French verbs, nous or adjectives 

4. 100 wishes written in French

5. 100 ingredients to put together for a special 100th day snack, cake, etc.

6. 100 numbers higher than 100

7. 100 favorite movies 

8. 100 word story 

9.  100 favorite activities 

Part 2. -  optional  - 100s T-shirt 

Students are encouraged to make a 100s T-shirt at home. Students can wear it at school on 100th day. Your child is to collect and decorate his/her T-shirt with 100 anything. You can use an used T-shirt from home, or get a cheap plain white t-shirt. Brainstorm different items with your child and make it a family activity. There are no limits on what is to be used to decorate the t-shirt as long as the items cannot be picked off by the students during class. Here are some ideas: 100 keys, 100 pennies, 100 play dollar bills, 100 paw prints, 100 pompoms, 100 foam letters or numbers, 100 rubber bands, 100 shoe laces, etc.. 


On the 100th day of school, students will get to display their project and we will count to see if there are 100 things. Please remind your child that he/she has to carefully count all the items at home! Grouping the items by 2s, 5s, 10s, or 25s is a good way to make the counting easier. 

Your imagination is the limit! This project is an exciting way for your child to realize how much he/she has learned during the first 100 days of school in Grade 2!

Please be creative and enjoy!!!!

DUE DATE: February 11th, 2016!! 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

 Thank you for your ongoing support! 

Mme Paraschiv 

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