Thursday, 10 September 2015

Welcome to grade 2 French Immersion !

Bienvenue à la 2-ième année!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Stay connected with Mme Paraschiv’s grade 2 French Immersion class!

I’m using this blog to keep parents in the loop this year! I’ll share photos from class, important updates and wonderful moments – like when students work hard and help each other. Here is where you can read the weekly newsletter called Monday letter and occasionally view pictures or reminders. By providing an email address, you can be notified of blog updates to keep you informed about ongoing school work.

On the first day of school, your child should bring home the first welcoming newsletter with some forms attached (to be signed and returned to school as soon as possible). In case the hard copy gets lost, you can find all the details below.
Please note one new detail added to the ”Things to remember”: every 2 weeks, your child will have a spelling test, called ”dictee”, which is expected to be signed and returned to school the next day.

I am very excited about the upcoming school year, as I hope you and your child are too!

Thank you for your help and cooperation throughout the upcoming school year.


Mme Paraschiv

The welcoming letter`s details:

Things to Remember

– Our classroom is a NUT FREE environment.

– Please LABEL all the items your child brings to school with his or her name.

– Dress your child for the weather.

– Have your child wear sneakers for Physical Education.

– Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have about your child or other school issues. We can communicate through your child’s agenda, emails, phone calls, conferences, and/or class website.

– Please sign and return to school the enclosed three forms.

‘’Take- home green folder’’ – Please check it every night. This bag will store:

  1.  The agenda (with a large pocket for any newsletters, notes, school info, money envelopes (always to be labeled). Please sign your child`s agenda and have it returned to school daily.

Student Check In/Out: Please stop by the office to check your child in or out of school if he/she is tardy or leaving early.  The office will call our room and if leaving, your child will meet you in the lobby. Children will not be released from the room unless it has been cleared by the office first.

Snack and Lunch

Please have your child bring daily his or her own healthy, nutritious and nut free snack/lunch. Also, please provide him or her with a bottle of water. Please send a written note in the agenda in the morning of the day when your child is going to have lunch at home if he/she is registered in the lunch program.

Library: Please remind your child to bring in library books for book exchange. Your child is allowed to borrow maximum 2 books per week (at least one must be in French).

Homework: The purpose of homework is to review skills that have already been presented to the students.  You can expect your child to have homework once per week. The homework will be sent every Wednesday and is expected to be completed and returned by the following Monday. It is also highly recommended for a second grade learner to read for about 10-15 min each night.

Speaking French only: We have a speaking French only pocket chart. Every Day 1, each student will have 10 wood sticks in their pocket. Throughout the week, if a student was caught speaking English, one stick will be removed from his/her pocket. On Day 5, the remaining of the sticks will be placed in our magic box and we will draw randomly a few sticks to win a small prize.

Opportunities to Help Out

I welcome any help from interested parents. Please complete and sign the enclosed Form 2. Possible helpers include guest readers, field trip volunteers, and classroom parents. Additionally, many other opportunities to support Room 208 present themselves throughout the year and I will keep you informed. If you have any special skills or expertise that may help enhance our curriculum, please let me know.

Dismissal: If your child is not going home as stated on the enclosed Form 3 (going to day care, taking the bus, a friend’s house, etc.) it is helpful to know this in advance by sending me a note in the morning in the agenda`s pocket, or by calling the school. Please do not send e-mails for last minute dismissal changes.

Book Clubs

Scholastic offers quality literature at very reasonable prices. Additionally, every dollar spent earns points toward books for the classroom library. Your child will bring home order forms once a month. If you wish to place an order, directions for ordering online will be sent with the first book order.  You can also return the order form with a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs in a labeled with your child`s name envelope. All payments must be submitted by the date indicated on the order form.

Classroom Conduct:  These guidelines will be discussed and practiced throughout the entire year.

  1. Listen carefully and follow directions.
  2. Raise your hand to speak.
  3. Respect everyone and use kind words.
  4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  5. Take care of school property.
  6. Do your best and have fun learning new things in second grade!

 Behavior is one of the most important elements of the school day. If behavior is out of control, then learning is not possible. I use a 5 step method in my classroom. The steps are as follows:

  1. Smiley face : Everyone begins with a smile
  2. first warning
  3. “Uh Oh” face (5 minutes time out — recess, free time or fun activity)
  4. second warning
  5. Sad face (10 minutes time out — recess, free time or fun activity and note/call to parent)
I don’t believe in a child’s day being “over” because of poor choices so I allow students to move up and down during the day. For example, if a student made very poor choices in the morning, but had worked hard and tried his or her best for the afternoon, they can “redeem” themselves from their sad face and end the day with a smile. At the end of week, we will draw randomly a prize for a few students who have not earned any sad faces during that week.


We will be celebrating your child’s birthday throughout the school year. On your child’s birthday, we will sing to him or her. If you would like to send in a non-edible item for your child’s birthday, that’s perfectly fine, but not obligatory. If you need some non-edible ideas, I’d be happy to help: small items like bookmarks, stickers, or pencils; donating a book to the classroom library, or a game for indoor recess time; donating toys to our treasure chest or school supplies the kids use on a daily basis, etc. Unfortunately, our school does not support bringing and sharing food with students due to food allergies students may have.

Donations: All are welcome! Some ideas are: gently used or new French books for our classroom library, coffee cans, egg cartons, paper plates, empty boxes, paper lunch bags, paper grocery bags with handles, old newspapers or magazines, new and small ideas for weekly prizes (e.g. small toys, pencils, crayons, sharpeners, markers, marchers, small notebooks, or anything else that a second grader will be interested in, etc), hand sanitizer and liquid soap for our room, arts supplies, etc.

Supplies for Room 208

– If possible, please supply your child with an art smock (an over sized button-down shirt or tee shirt)

– Your child will be provided with a pencil bag to store pencil, eraser and colored crayons (also provided by school), but he/she is welcome to bring his/her own pencil, eraser and/or sharpener. This method of having personal pencil bag will minimize the pencils being lost and continuous fights over sharpened pencils among students.

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