The month of May is a quite busy one at Humewood when lots of events and filed trips take place.
On Tuesday, all students in Grades 1-8 participated in Track and Field events at Oakwood Collegiate. Thank you for parents volunteer for joining us on this trip. Ribbons will be handed to students who participated in all 3 activities: 100m running, stand jumping, and long running jumping. Here are some pics:
Please also find the May Calendar on the website. Note Pizza lunch day - May 27th.
Curriculum at a glance:
Math: We have been learning about identifying, adding and subtracting Canadian Money to $1. Next, we are going to focus on Fractions.
Science: We have been learning about Growth and Changes in Animals.
Please check regularly the red duo tang for the latest suggested homework ideas.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend,
Mme Paraschiv